B/B/S : Coltre/Manto - Expé
Nadja - Queller - Expé
The Notwist : Close To The Glass - indie -
Get The Blessing – Lope and Antilope - punk jazz
Janek Schaefer - Lay-by Lullaby - Expé
Cibo Matto - Hotel Valentine
France Jobin - The Illusion of Infinitesimal
Koenraad Ecker : Ill Fares The Land
Bohren & Der Club of Gore - Piano Nights - Expé
Jeremiah Cymerman : Pale Horse - Expé
blue dressed man - autumn wood - expé, noise
Olivier Clements & Dissonant Histories - Jazz trip hop
Cheveu - Bum - Weird rock
Elysian Fields - For House Cats And Sea Fans - indie -
Moss - we both know the rest is noise - Indie rock, Post-punk.
Mondkopf - Hadès
Gun Muffs - Gun Muffs - Doom jazz
Enuui - Nāginī Reshaped - Ethno-ambient, electro-himalayan-jazz
Mieresch - Soviet Psychedelia - Expé, ambient, post-rock
Lunlun Zou, Guo Gan - 鄒倫倫、果敢 - Musique traditionnelle chinoise
Joel Helander - Passing Frames - Musique de chambre, néo-classique, jazz
Jeremiah Cymerman - Real Scars
Le Crapaud et La Morue - EP 2 - Parole
Idealipsticks - No one's coming to save you. - Punk rock'n'roll